An Overview of Support Netting for Cucumber

An Overview of Support Netting for Cucumber

We live in a scientifically evolved world where it is very easy to ensure that you get the maximum results from any of your ventures. Just like any other field out there, the whole array of cultivation and farming has undergone various advancements over the course of time. Just like other types of farming nets, cucumber support nets are also available in the market. They ensure highly effective indoor as well as outdoor protection for your cucumber crops. In addition to farming, the support netting for cucumber is commonly used in a number of other projects as well, including fencing, animal enclosures, factories, etc. Support netting is easily available in the market at a very reasonable price and offers certain specifications to serve the requirements of different types of users. Some of the features exhibited by this kind of netting are listed below.

cucumber crops in cropfield
The Support netting is very resistan and durable, able to provide to your cucumber crops of the best support for it growth. 
  • Highly durable
  • Resistive to heat
  • Features a fine finish

The Use of Support Netting for Cucumber Cultivation

Support netting is known to increase the density of plants very highly. This is due to the fact that the vines of cucumber normally grow in the vertical orientation all by itself with the requirement of little manual tutoring or sometimes none at all. Cucumber is a delicate crop that requires a lot of care and caution for growing properly. So when you deploy a support netting for your crop, you greatly reduce the manual labor intervention to your plants, which is associated with a number of advantages. Mechanical stress may be referred to as the stress that brings a decline in the yield of the plants, as it tries re-accommodating its leaves. So when support netting is used, your plants are not subjected to any kind of mechanical stress in the process of tying them up. In addition to this, deploying these nets helps in reduction of mechanical transmission of pathogens from the sick crop to the healthy plants.

Support netting for cucumber works nicely in open fields as well as different types of greenhouse facilities. So when you make use of this cucumber netting in collaboration with the cucumber trellis system, not only the job becomes easier but the overall cucumber yields are also increased greatly. Crop rotation becomes very easy when support netting for cucumber is used. All you need to do is leave your netting along with the stakes in your ground and go on with the replantation.

cucumber crops in cropfield
Works like the rotation become easier with the support netting.

Benefits of Support Netting For Cucumbers over Manual Guiding

Every time when some plants get tied, pruned or handled to support netting for cucumber system, it causes some days of stress. In the middle of this type of readjustment period, rather than feeding fruits effectively and efficiently, the plant is supposed to ship all its nutrients off to the foliage to ensure its efficient repositioning. While the plant is being manually guided in the middle of pruning work, the contagion risk, especially for viruses is highly increased. This normally takes place as a result of poor handling by the workers who might be facilitating the mechanical transmission of a pathogen from one plant to another just like in case of a harmful insect.

Support Netting for Cucumber and Bushy Plants

Cultivation of different kinds of determined bushy plants such as peppers, chili, tomatoes, egg plants, etc. may turn out to be highly rewarding if you consider guiding or tutoring your plants with two different support netting for cucumber walls, developing one on each furrow side. When you take care of creating this kind of structure, you end up developing a growing system that enables the branches of your plants to support themselves without the requirement of any manual guiding or tutoring. By making use of this system, you need to consider the lower string located at the bottom side mesh that is nearest to the surface of the soil. This string needs to be gently tied to the very same string located at the other side of the system. It is recommended to leave a gap of almost 2 to 4 inches between both the nets while you need to make sure that the job is carried out when your plants are at least 16 inches high. With the continued growth of the plant, the distance present in between both the netting walls keeps on increasing to make sure of the fact that every high branch gets support from the nearby mesh and is able to reach the stage of complete vegetative development.

cucumber crop with hortomallas support net
Using the support net your will get many benefits for your crops.

Tutoring Gherkin Plant Using Supporting Net for Cucumber

When you make use of supporting net for cucumber, there is a sure chance that you are going to get much better yield on your crop at the end of the session, in comparison to that yielded by traditional agricultural techniques. In addition to this, you can save a number of other resources as well. These include labor costs, maintenance costs, etc. Since vegetables are largely consumed by a massive amount of population out there, you can easily turn your gherkin plants to a money making machine by increasing your overall yield using support netting for cucumber for crops. Gherkin fruit is normally affected by different kinds of unwanted attacks such as Botrytis Cineria. When you tutor your gherkins using support nettings, there is a good chance that your crop might not get affected by this attack at all. This is due to the fact that the support netting eliminates the need for an actual human worker to manually tutor the plant after touching it. Since there is no human interaction, the chances for the transmission of this virus are decreased down to the minimum level. Therefore, if you are planning on growing Gherkin fruits in the near future, it is highly recommended to make use of support netting to minimize the vulnerability of your crops while increasing your overall yields.